
Good ideas for birthday parties from 4 to 7 years

Good ideas for birthday

Good ideas for birthday parties from 4 to 7 years

The best age to fully enjoy

When it comes to organizing a party, 4- to 7-year-olds are participatory and collaborative. Take advantage of this willingness to seek their support and prepare a party with many games. They will have a great time.

Between 4 and 7 years old, children are at the best age to celebrate a birthday party. They are old enough to play many games and they still haven’t had enough of attending the multiple invitations they receive throughout the year. In addition, they are old enough to participate in the preparations and help decorate or make a costume.

  1. It is the ideal age to organize theme parties:

– Color party. See games for the color party.

– Teddy bear party. Consult: Everything to print and decorate a bear party

– Animal party. Consult Animal makeup, Homemade animal masks, Games for an animal party.

– Clown and circus party. Consultation: Clown makeup, Games for a clown party

  1. Get a list of games and have everything ready. You are the cheerleader of the party and you cannot improvise. Here you will find all kinds of games.
  2. At the party, there will be kids from school that you hardly know. Try to learn their names right away. If some children don’t want to play, be patient. If the isolation persists, organize games that facilitate team- like approaches. Ask the most withdrawn to choose who they want to partner with.
  3. Save the snack for when they are tired of playing. At this age, children devour. Keep this in mind and prepare an easy-to-eat and filling snack.
  4. Finish the party with the piƱata.
  5. From the age of 5, you can celebrate the party away from home if you fear for yours. There are endless possibilities: recreation centers, museums, zoos, etc. We provide addresses of centers specialized in children’s parties. Another solution is to hire clowns. Thus, you can delegate the organization of the games.
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