
10 tricks to motivate children to study

10 tricks to motivate children to study

Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to motivate children to study, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. As parents we are concerned that our children acquire knowledge properly and get good grades, that is why our participation in their school life will also be very important for their performance. With these tricks that we will present to you below, you will make your child feel motivated when studying.

Many parents worry that their children aren’t getting good grades in class or don’t want to do their homework. If they appear listless and dispirited, they may be unmotivated.

Tricks To Motivate Children To Study

Motivate children tips

When a child faces the challenge of going to school to acquire knowledge and take exams, their results will be subject to two very important factors: their intellectual capacity and their motivation to study. If you are having problems with the second factor, these tips to motivate children to study will be very useful:

  1. Discuss with the child different experiences of other people who have been successful in any profession (athletes, lawyers, engineers). This will allow your child to understand that his effort will bear fruit in the end and it will be worth studying to achieve it.
  2. Set short and long-term goals. When, for example, you set a goal of getting a 10 in a subject such as mathematics, you must leave it in writing in a visible place. This will cause the child to visualize the achievement of this goal and keep it always in mind.
  3. It is important to recognize the effort and celebrate their achievements. Phrases as simple as “I am very proud of you” or “I knew you were capable of achieving it” are very important words for the child.
  4. If he gets a grade that was not what he expected, encourage him to continue and move on. You cannot make the mistake of comparing his ability to that of some sibling or son of a close person who has better results than his. Remember that each child has their learning time.
  5. If you offer him an award for an achievement, you want to make sure it’s to his liking. Even small awards for short-term achievements are better. So that these prizes do not become a habit, offer them when you want the child to complete a task or exam that is difficult for him.
  6. You should not comment in public if your child is underachieving. The only thing it will cause is that the child will feel humiliated and will be completely demotivated, so he will have less encouragement to study.
  7. It is not good for children to hear their parents criticize the teachers’ teaching techniques, and it is not good to hear them say that the teaching is poor.
  8. It is positive that the children see their parents attend the meetings held at school, that they participate in the activities and that they collaborate with the teachers constantly. This causes the child to feel that you care about him and want him to feel comfortable.
  9. Set regular study hours. Many times the organization of a study schedule can motivate your child. Since he will see the tasks as something that can be done in a moment of the day and there will be time for recreation. In turn, it is important that you have free time to help him with his assignments in this period of time.
  10. Adapt to your child. All children have a different learning capacity, so you must adapt to your little one. Find the best way to explain or help him with his assignments. In this way, you may be able to motivate him a little.

What Causes Children To Become Demotivated?

Demotivation in children is normal, as long as it does not lengthen over time. And that causes us not to carry out our activities with all our energy. Just as it also happens with children. But what can cause a child to become demotivated?

  • They don’t get the attention they need from their parents.
  • They do not find meaning in the things they do during the day.
  • The tasks they are asked to do are difficult to do and this causes them frustration.
  • They have some psychological problem that does not allow them to move forward.
  • They function in an environment where there is no motivation.
  • At home, the rules are very rigid.
  • The level of demand of the parents is of great level.
  • The parenting style is authoritarian.

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